Journal articles in English

  1. Christodoulou, M. (2024). Modalities of agency: how ultimate concerns and conduct of life frame biographical research, Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 18: 303-326
  2. Christodoulou, M. (2024). Theory use comes first. A methodological framework for the articulation of research questions in qualitative research. Metodologia. For and Against Method, V(B) 
  3. Christodoulou, M. (2024). Now what? How time perspectiveand university context shape final-year students’ life projects., 34(2): 1-23
  4. Christodoulou, M. (2023). The four C’s model of Thematic Analysis. A Critical Realist perspective, DOI: 10.1080/14767430.2023.2256109, 
  5. Christodoulou, M. (2022). Grounded Theory from start to finish. Applying substantive theorizing to educational research, International Research in Education, 10(22): 
  6. Christodoulou, M,Bithymitris G, Koustenis P and Spyridakis M., 2022, How vulnerability drives biographical agency. Causal processes in a case-study mixed-methods research design, Sociological problems, 54 (2): 1-32
  7. Christodoulou, Michalis. 2021. Georg Simmel and the ontology of relational emergence, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior,
  8. Christodoulou, Michalis. 2021. School-to-universitytransition: the paradox of motivated but undecided students 5(1), 1-16,
  9. Christodoulou, M. (2020), Emancipation as subjectification. A Critical Realist reading of Biesta's educational philosophy, Journal of Critical Realism, DOI: 10.1080/14767430.2020.1715673
  10. Christodoulou M., (2019), The singular and the universal in urban ethnography. How mechanism-based explanations enable generalizability, Urbanities-Journal of Urban Ethnography, 9(2): 99-115
  11. Christodoulou M., (2019), Rethinking descriptivism and explanation inlegitimacy debate. Highlighting the role of causal process(es) on ethnographictheory, Urbanities - Journal of Urban Ethnography, 9(2): 133-140
  12. Christodoulou M., Kiprianos P. & Papachristopoulou E. (2018), Becoming a lifelong learner through life disruptions. Exploring motivational pathways in Second Chance Schools’ students, Sociological Research Online, pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1177/0123456789123456
  13. Christodoulou Μ, Bousia C, Kiprianos P., (2018), The life–courseformation of teachers’ profession. How emotions affect VET teachers’ social identity, Revista Espanola de Sociologia, 11(2):180-196
  14. Christodoulou M., (2018), is educational policy a matter of doxa?Overcoming the fact/value distinction in educational policy practice, Academia: Α Publication of the Higher Education Policy Network, 11(): 4-27
  15. PapachristopoulouE., Kiprianos P., Christodoulou M., (2018),Fulfilling a Failed Dream: School Dropout and Second Chance Schools, Journal of Advances in Education Research, 3)2):18-30
  16. Christodoulou M.& Spyridakis M., (2016), Upwardly mobile working-class adolescents: a biographical approach on habitusdislocation, Cambridge Journal of Education, 47(3): 315-335.
  17. Christodoulou M., (2016), «The biographical identities of precarious youth. How early school leavers deal with their frustrated life plans», Ο Κόσμος της Εργασίας, 3(1): 11-29
  18. Christodoulou M. (2016):Excluded and dropped in: habitus and biographical identity in vocational adolescents’ lifetransitions, Journal of VocationalEducation& Training, 68(3): 320-341, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2016.1212248
  19. Kiprianos P. &Christodoulou M., (2015), “Ambivalent biographies in adolescence: whatvocational students think and feel about their schooling”, SageOpen,October-September 2015: 1–13, DOI: 10.1177/2158244015610795.
  20. Christodoulou M., (2014), “Ambitious and ambivalent: A biographical approachto adolescents’ transition into higher education”, Academia: Α Publicationof the Higher Education Policy Network, 4(1): 122-152.
  21. Christodoulou M., & Kiprianos P., (2012), “Moral Subjects, Healthy Adolescents: Analyzing the Discourse of Health Education inGreek Secondary Education” Social Theory and Health, 10(4): 309-27.